
Mindfulness: A Shorter Body Scan by Karunavira

Mindfulness Meditation
A Shorter Body Scan by Karunavira (Bangor University)
Karunavira estará novamente em Portugal para orientar um programa de MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)
+ Info e pré-inscrições
This guided body scan meditation is intended to help you enter a very deep state of relaxation. It is best if you can manage to stay awake throughout the entire exercise. It’s important to remember to not try to relax. This will just create tension. What you’ll be doing instead is becoming aware of each passing moment and just accepting what is happening within you, seeing it as it is.
Body Scan with Karunavira
Let go of the tendency of wanting things to be different from how they are now and allow things to be exactly as you find them. Just watch the activity of your mind, letting go of judgmental and critical thoughts when they arise, and just doing what the exercise guides you to do as best you can.
Participe num dos próximos encontros meditativos >>
A Shorter Body Scan by Karunavira (Bangor University)
Karunavira estará novamente em Portugal para orientar um programa de MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)
+ Info e pré-inscrições
This guided body scan meditation is intended to help you enter a very deep state of relaxation. It is best if you can manage to stay awake throughout the entire exercise. It’s important to remember to not try to relax. This will just create tension. What you’ll be doing instead is becoming aware of each passing moment and just accepting what is happening within you, seeing it as it is.
Body Scan with Karunavira
Let go of the tendency of wanting things to be different from how they are now and allow things to be exactly as you find them. Just watch the activity of your mind, letting go of judgmental and critical thoughts when they arise, and just doing what the exercise guides you to do as best you can.
Participe num dos próximos encontros meditativos >>
Mais Práticas Guiadas
Porto, Maia, Matosinhos, Portugal, Lisboa, Espanha, prática, praticar, Meditação, Mindfulness, Budismo, Zafu, Saúde, Formação, Buddhism, donate, doar, saúde, bem-estar, ansiedade, depressão, yoga
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